1 June 2023
A retrenchment is something that you can only partially prepare for. Unfortunately, it can happen anytime and to any of us. This can be a challenging life event that can cause significant distress. It can be detrimental to individuals and their families. The uncertainty and financial strain in this situation often cause stress and health implications for many due to hardships.
However, there are ways to manage the distress and move forward. In this blog, we will look at a few practical ways that individuals can employ to care for themselves while going through this challenge.
Stress and other health impacts
A retrenchment may cause various mental, emotional, and physical reactions. These may include feelings of surprise or disbelief, rage, fear, low self-esteem, impatience, and embarrassment. It can be challenging to control the worry and stress that arise after a retrenchment. While depression may also affect self-perception, motivation, and focus, making the situation even more difficult.
Create a plan
Understandably, there might be tension and anxiety following a retrenchment because it can be distressing. Some people might find it helpful to confront these stressors directly by developing a concrete plan for surviving this time. To identify how you will meet your requirements and strive towards a sense of stability and safety, creating both a short-term and long-term strategy may be helpful. This can entail making a daily routine for handling your job search or a plan for finding additional financial support if necessary.
Adopt a positive approach
Making an effort to recognize and appreciate your strengths can be helpful. Identify your positive qualities and strengths that can help you at work. Remember that this setback is only temporary and that you can find new options for your life and career. Retrenchments happen to many people. It’s okay to be in your emotions, but you shouldn’t let them make you feel unworthy or that you won’t ever find a job again.
Consider your well-being
Concentrating on self-care during stressful times is crucial to maintain your physical and emotional well-being. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, abstaining from excessive alcohol intake, eating a balanced diet, and drinking enough water can all be beneficial. To balance your daily activities, you can adopt different stress-reduction strategies, such as breathing exercises, physical activity, journaling, other creative pursuits, meditation, and socializing.
Talk to someone
A retrenchment can often feel lonely, but it is not something you have to deal with entirely on your own. Seeking professional support through therapy and social support through channels like support groups might be beneficial. Support groups can be a helpful way to connect with other people experiencing similar challenges. Be kind to yourself throughout the process, as you move on to the next hurdle, put yourself first and focus your energy on the next plan.
Between Jobs – The retrenched person’s Handbook: UASA
The Between Jobs handbook is an exclusive edition created by UASA to assist retrenched workers looking to return to the job market and pursue new careers. This handbook is a step-by-step guide to help job seekers attain job marketing skills, such as how to write a CV, find job offers, contact companies, nail the interview process, etc.
In our next blog, we will explain more about efficient ways to adapt when looking for a new job as outlined in the Between Jobs handbook and how you can access this handbook.
Ref: www.betterhelp.com www.uasa.org.za