UASA Media Release: 20 February 2024
Statement by Abigail Moyo, spokesperson of the trade union UASA:
As published by Stats SA earlier today, the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) results for the 4th quarter of 2023 are a severe cause for concern.
According to the data, the number of employed people decreased by 22, 000. In contrast, the number of unemployed people increased by 46,000, meaning that a staggering 7,9 million remain unemployed, slipping deeper into poverty. Official unemployment increased by 0,2% from 31,9% in the third quarter of 2023 to 32,1% in the fourth quarter.
The 4,7 million unemployed young people are further proof that something is very wrong with our country.
Major industries contributing to the net employment decline include community and social services, construction, agriculture, trade, and manufacturing.
UASA reminds the Office of the President that short-term employment plans are no solution and an unemployment rate of 32.1% is unacceptable. Social and economic challenges like slow economic growth, high crime rates, inequality, and deteriorating infrastructure come with the high unemployment rate.
We question the intentions of our leaders and government. There is no more time for politically motivated idling with no plan in sight. We urge you to work with industry captains and other role players to create jobs now.
For further enquiries or to set up a personal interview, contact Abigail Moyo at 065 170 0162.