UASA Media Release: 20 February 2024
Image source: The Herald.
Statement by Abigail Moyo, spokesperson of the trade union UASA:
UASA is concerned that a notice of invitation from Anglo American
Platinum (Amplats) to consult regarding section 189A of the Labour
Relations Act (LRA) will lead to large-scale retrenchments at the mine.
Amplats is proposing a restructuring process for its operations.
It is deeply troubling to see an industry giant like Amplats resort to
retrenchments, seemingly unable to create work for its employees,
many of whose livelihoods are now threatened.
Amplats noted that the process may impact about 3,700 employees (or
17% of its workforce of 22,102) plus more than 600 contractors. The
restructuring call results from several challenges, which include, but
are not limited to, market conditions, reduced productivity, and slow
economic growth.
UASA will do everything possible to ensure its members employed at
the mine keep their jobs and avoid job losses. South Africa cannot
afford to add to the unemployment rate.
UASA will constructively participate, engage, and negotiate with
Amplats to look at and consider all feasible options that may assist the
company and save workers’ jobs overall.
For further enquiries or to set up a personal interview, contact Abigail Moyo at 065 170 0162.