08 Aug

UASA Media Release: 8 August 2024

Statement by Abigail Moyo, spokesperson of the trade union UASA:

Women’s resilience, wisdom and contributions fostering the unity and growth of our nation remain a remarkable force. We therefore honour UASA women members and all women nationally and across the world, on Women’s Day.

Themed “Celebrating 30 Years of Democracy Towards Women’s Development,” we evaluate how far we have come in terms of women development in our society and workplaces. Has enough been done to address challenges hindering the growth and development of women on a personal and professional level?

UASA says government, social partners, stakeholders and employers must stop celebrating laws, rights and conventions on paper without proper and practical implementation of the laws in society and workplaces where women remain at a disadvantage.

Although the International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s Convention 190 (C190), a law preventing and eliminating Violence and Harassment in the world of work, was adopted and ratified in 2021, the challenges of gender-based violence, lack of implementation of laws, and social barriers persist.

These barriers remain a challenge that hinders women’s development in society and the economy. The C190 stands as a beacon of hope to protect women at home and in society. UASA calls for the government to implement specific measures in line with the C190 to get law enforcement and society to play a role in protecting women.

Women must be included in an equal society of fair opportunities, socio-economic rights, empowerment and development. Those still powerless and enduring social injustice must be liberated.

It is almost unthinkable that after thirty years of democracy women are still struggling to break through male dominated industries or have a voice in society. Fair and equal opportunities must be a norm for all in society.

Let no one be left behind and the history cycle not be repeated so that, another thirty years from now, we can all look back with pride at women’s progress and development in society and workplaces.

We wish all women a Happy Women’s Day.

For further enquiries or to set up a personal interview, contact Abigail Moyo at    065 170 0162.

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