19 January 2024
UASA congratulates the 2023 matric class on their excellent result. Well done to all!
To those who did not make it, feeling like giving up and discouraged is normal, but this is not the end. Get back up and dust yourself off – there’s still hope for a better future!
Failure in any endeavour can negatively affect your self-esteem, and failing high school can have a catastrophic effect on your prospects of continuing your education or obtaining employment requiring a senior certificate. However, failing your exams doesn’t make you a failure; it may not feel like it now, but failure is only permanent when you give up.
Failure can serve as a foundation of success if you learn from your mistakes and commit to never repeating the same ones. It’s not impossible to find work without a senior certificate; however, you need to be cautious about the opportunities that you pursue. For those wishing to further their education after Matric, now is the time to focus. For those who did not, this is the moment to consider your alternatives and determine the best course of action for your future.
Ask yourself why your results look this way. Analyse the factors behind the failure and establish a plan to address them. It can result from uncontrollable personal obstacles, including a lack of resources or difficulties you faced personally over the year. Consider reaching out to your family, friends, or an elder you look up to in your community for reliable support. Or if you have been noticeably struggling with a subject and have no interest in it – maybe it is time to change it. Whatever the reason for your results, you must acknowledge it and consider how best to solve it.
Repeat Matric
Repeating your Matric will give you a fresh start and increase your chances of earning better grades on your certificate. If you are nervous about returning to the same school, you can enrol in a college that supports Matric rewriting or an Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET). These schools allow you to do your Matric via correspondence or daily attendance in class. These age-neutral schools are open even if you completed your matriculation years ago.
Supplementary Exams and Second Chance Programme
The Department of Education allows students the opportunity to rewrite the National Senior Certificate exams in June or November of the following year. This option extends to subjects that students may have failed and those that they would like to improve on, on the condition that these subjects are those they were registered for in the previous year.
While, the Second Chance Matric Programme aims to support learners who still need to meet the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the extended Senior Certificate (SC) requirements, thereby completing the goals of the NDP and the sector and increasing learner retention.
- Learners can meet the requirements of the NSC or SC and obtain a Grade 12 matric certificate
- Increase learner retention
- Increase computer skills, job opportunities, and career pathing
- Learners are able to access bursary opportunities for further studies
- Having an idea of what you want from your life is essential. Once you have established what you would like to study or do after Matric, it becomes easier to navigate these alternative options. To choose one best suited for you, you must know the career path you want to follow.
Everyone fails; we just fail differently – focus on your path.
For more information, visit: Department of Basic Education.
Ref: www.careerwise.co.za/matric/ www.education.gov.za