UASA Media Release: 21 April 2023
In picture: Noligwa Gold Plant management and team celebrating the 5 million shifts without a life lost milestone.
Statement by Abigail Moyo, spokesperson of the trade union UASA:
UASA congratulates the management and team of Noligwa Gold Plant under Harmony Gold Mining operations on achieving five million shifts without losing a life of a worker.
In addition, the Noligwa Gold Plant also celebrates eight hundred white flag days (no injury reported for the day).
Ahead of World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, a day dedicated to raising awareness on the importance and safety of workers’ lives, UASA is proud of this remarkable milestone after 39 years of dedication towards safety and health practices at Noligwa. Safety and health challenges in the mining industry were of great concern for many years as too many injuries and fatalities occurred.
UASA fully supports the zero-harm safety initiative within the mining sector. As a member-driven organisation, the safety of our members, and all workers in general, is always a priority.
For further enquiries or to set up a personal interview, contact Abigail Moyo at 065 170 0162.