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Included in your UASA membership is a coffin and funeral service benefit which automatically covers every active UASA member in good standing, his/her spouse (one only) plus four (4) dependent children under 21 years of age. It also includes payment of a cash benefit of R3000 in the event of a main member passing away, R1500 in case of the spouse and R1000 in case of a dependent child. Full details of the benefit appear below and terms and conditions apply. While the standard benefit is the same for all active UASA members, other membership types are entitled to different benefits. To avoid any misunderstanding or disappointment, it is important to contact the UASA claims department to clarify which benefits a specific member is entitled to.



The Golden Rule of “No subscription received, no benefit entitlement” strictly applies in respect of all UASA benefits. If a member resigns or does not pay his/her subscription fees, all benefits stop immediately, so: THE ONUS IS ON MEMBERS TO MAKE SURE THEIR SUBS ARE PAID-UP AT ALL TIMES!


  • The UASA Funeral Benefit Scheme is not an insurance policy and it has no accrued (accumulated) value.
    It is a “coffin and services” benefit, enhanced by a cash payment as stated above.
  • Funeral services are provide in accordance with a directive issued by the UASA claims department. Any uncertainty about who is liable for which costs should be taken up with the UASA claims department.
  • The benefit provides for a choice of burial or cremation service for the main member and each of his/her beneficiaries.
  • All claims must be submitted to UASA head office within three (3) months from date of death.
  • All documents must be original copies certified by a commissioner of oaths; no funeral benefits will be paid on faxed documents.
  • The family is responsible for payment of additional expenses which are not covered by the benefit, as indicated below:
    Different membership types receive different benefits.

The following waiting periods apply in respect of a claim:

  • 3 months for coffin and services benefits.
  • 6 months for Cash Benefit.
  • Immediate cover for active members who we have received the 1st months membership fee should death be as a result of accident.
  • Cancer, tuberculosis and any pre-existing illnesses excluded for 6 months after join date.
  • Suicide and HIV/ AIDS excluded for 12 months after join date.


The coffin and services benefit remain exactly the same, irrespective of a burial or a cremation.
The family is responsible for additional costs incidental to a cremation.


AVBOB, Martin’s are the official service providers in respect of the UASA Funeral Benefit. Their contact numbers are as follows:

  •  AVBOB (Funeral Services) Ltd. [0861 282 621]
  •  Martin’s Funerals [0860 911 777]
  •  Mosaic Funeral Group [086 000 0556]
  •  Icebolethu Group [086 000 7580]

If a member/family chooses not to make use of the benefit, a cash amount which is calculated based on years of membership, is paid out.


  • Child beneficiaries (max. of 4 under age 21) must be “solely dependent” on the main member.
  • Any child who is earning an income in any way whatsoever, will be disqualified as a beneficiary.
  • In case of death of a dependent child, the member has to submit a sworn affidavit that the child has been “solely dependent” on him/her.
  • A member may apply to the UASA claims department to have a mentally/physically disabled child of any age, but who is “solely dependent” on him/her, included as a beneficiary. (Terms and conditions apply.)



Contact the local UASA manager/representative/committee member/employer of the deceased, or contact the UASA claims department at Head Office in Florida at Tel: (011) 472-3600 or 0861 00UASA (0861 008 272)



  • A standard coffin
  • Name plate on coffin
  • Use of hearse
  • Use of mortuary
  • Registration of death
  • Transport of mortal remains inside specified km radius
  • Undertakers’ administration fee
  • Use of lowering device/grass carpet
  • 100 standard funeral brochures



  • Flowers
  • Cost of the grave
  • Minister, sexton and organist
  • If an upgraded coffin is required, the difference between a standard and an upgraded coffin
  • After-hours services by undertaker
  • Additional transport outside specified km radius
  • All costs incidental to cremation if applicable
  • Cost of medical doctors in case of cremation if applicable
  • Any special requirements in respect of funeral brochure

In view of prevailing economic difficulties and the skills shortage in our country, UASA took decisive action by introducing the UASA Study Grant Scheme, with effect from 2009, through which it awards study grants to successful member applicants annually. The intention of the once-off grants is to enable them, or their dependents, to further their studies. In view of the focus on the skills shortage and economic growth, preference is given to those who are already studying.

A. Grants are awarded where students have successfully completed at least their first year’s studies at an accredited learning institution and can provide satisfactory proof of enrolment after the first semester of the ensuing year.

B. Subject to the availability of funds, a total of thirty two (32) grants are paid out per annum to the value of R120 000. Sixteen grants of R5 000 each are
awarded, and sixteen grants of R2 500 each are awarded to qualifying students. The National Executive Committee of UASA, retains the right to
change the scheme in part or in total as and when it deems fit to do so without any prior notification.

C. Points are awarded in accordance with the following criteria to determine successful applicants:

  • Number of years’ uninterrupted membership of UASA
  • Number of previous unsuccessful applications
  • Previously Disadvantaged Groups
  • Number of enrolled children
  • Member’s annual income
  • Spouse’s income

D. Applications:

  • Completed application forms must be faxed to 086 504 1151 or e-mailed to
  • The closing date for applications is 1 April of each year and the successful applicants are announced on 1 May of each year.
  • The adjudication of applications is done by the Main Office Bearers of UASA and they have the right to co-opt external experts. The decision of the adjudicating panel is final and no correspondence shall be entered into regarding the merits of an application and the outcome thereof.

New mothers who are paid up members with 12 months uninterrupted membership prior to the date of confinement qualify for the benefit.


All claims to be submitted within 12 months from the date of confinement.



  • Copy of ID
  • Birth Certificate of the child (If the Surname on the birth certificate differ from the mothers’, a copy of the father’s ID is required)
  • A letter from the employer verifying the period of maternity leave
  • Bank statement confirming banking details

Any Questions?